Two Hidden Hot Springs in the CA Desert
Don’t miss these hidden natural hot springs in the middle of the California desert.
#1: Holtville Hot Springs, Holtville, California
Here is the location of the Holtville Hot Springs.
Holtville Hot Springs is right off of I-8. It’s a popular spot for the snowbirds (retirees) that come to the desert to escape the cold. You’re guaranteed to meet some characters here. The two pools sit under a canopy of palm trees and next to a small lagoon. One cement tub is deep––perfect for standing. The other concrete tub is shallow, so you can sit and enjoy the spring. There is a large pipe that juts out from the water source that serves as a spring-fed sprinkler. Sit on a concrete stump and let the hot water stream over your body. There is a bathroom here for changing, but it has no water.
#2 Five Palm Hot Springs, Yuma, California
Here is the location of Five Palms Hot Spring.
Five Palms is truly a hidden gem. This lukewarm hot spring sits off of an off-roading track a mile from any main road. The spring gets its name from the palms that envelope the pool of water. Five Palms is enjoyable all year, but there’s nothing like going at dusk during the summer months to cool off on a hot day. Although it’s tough to find, you’ll usually share this spring with another soaker. Clothing is optional here, so feel free to slip into your birthday suit. Chances are good that someone else in the spring will be nakey, too. This spring is two miles down an unpaved road—about a 20-minute drive. A high clearance vehicle isn’t necessary, you can do it in your rental car, but take it nice and slow.
Want to explore the rest of the California Deserts? Check out Issue 002.